An online gallery with the most interesting, particular, extravagant and unique creations realized in the world, by craftsmen, artists or people who just do it for hobby, for profession or passion dedicate their time to working with this material.

Creations in leather and hide

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Historical shots
A collection of images that tell the tradition and passion of craftsmen for leather and for hide.
fabbro grembiule in cuoio  Don Bosco Incisione cuoio  calzolaio




shoemaker child

ancien jobs
Examples of covers entirely hand-made by leather and hide artists.


Leather and hide are versatile materials, wherewith you can make many masterpieces, including beautiful paintings.
We will show you some examples in this museum.


Chairs,  upholsteries and objects: all hand made in leather or hide.

Leather fantasies

A demonstration of so many masterpieces that have been created by craftsmen and by hobbyists of hide.

Accessories and bags in leather and hide

Accessories complement your look. Creative and unique are the ones made in leather and hide.


With masterly craftsmanship we suggest cases of leather and hide made entirely by hand. Colours, designes incisions make every article unique.

Masks in hide

The making of masks in hide it’s reserved to its specialists. We will show you some masterpieces.

Historical commemorations, Costums and armours in leather and hide

 Costumes and armours made entirely with leather and hide.

Archery and Cavalry

Accessories in leather and hide, handcrafted by the masters of the workmanship of leather and by some hobbyists of this sector.

Musical Instruments and Accessories

Leather and hide are perfect for instrument covers and for their accessory. In the photo gallery, some examples.

Cases and covers in leather and hide

Handmade cases or covers in leather and hide to protect our multimedia accessories.

Motorbike Accessories

It’s always been known that motorbike and leather are a perfect combination.
We will show you some examples of motorbike accessories, handcrafted in leather and hide.

Tools and Instruments

 A collection of photos of the utensils used to work the leather and the hide.