When we think of leather and hide, we tend to associate these materials to ordinary objects, for example belts, wallets, purses etc. Instead, the leather and hide world has varied sectors. The rediscoveryof old working techniques, the use of new instruments and the introduction of new ideas have favoured the development of leather and hide in new areas.
It’s a sector of great growth in such as the adaptability and moldability of these materials permit them to many uses.
The bearer is generally a metal stand, to hold the banner of the institution on official occasions, but not always, reflects the appearance of the normal flag-bearer. In our case, in fact, the bearer will be in hide and will have a form of a tube.
Historical shots
A collection of images that tell the tradition and passion of craftsmen for leather and for hide.
Examples of covers entirely hand-made by leather and hide artists.
The almoner in the Medieval was a bag which was used by the poor to collect charity, but at the same time it was also used in church to collect from the faithful their contribution to the church, during the mass. Seen the particularity of making this object in hide, we wanted to involve some craftsmen members of our lavorazione Artigianale pelle e cuoio facebook, specialized in working with hide and hobbyists.
The leather that arrives in the tanners, besides having the characteristics of animal, it’s at its natural stage, and therefore, passing of the days of putrefaction.To be able to be worked and preserved raw leather it must necessarily be “tanned” with chemical and mechanical processes on the one hand and with the aid of animal or vegetable origin substances on the other.The treatment of the leather is a procedure very ancient, which dates back to prehistoric times when leathers were used for shelter from weather elements.Still the tanning business is carried out in the traditional way, even though large industries and tanneries use large machines and more specific chemicals.
Read more: Preserve and work the leather: The tanning process
Cutting the hide it’s not simple or immediate.
It’s not easy, especially for the untrained, to handle the cutter and make a net and precise cut, because the blade knife tends to move, not ensuring a net clean cut.
We chose to share on our blog, an interesting tutorial on the creation of a bag in hide with the closure in bone.
Some books, and magazines dedicated to leather and hide and their craftsmanship.
What are the techniques craftsmen use?
In this section, an explanation on the methods that the masters in this field adapt when working with leather and hide.
A description on how cutting and sewing, our experts have produced some of their most interesting creations.
Different suggestions and useful information, to understand better this sector, and its various fields and why not, try to create your own leather object
This section is dedicated to news regarding curious and the extravagant world of leather and hide, for example the most strangest and bizarre techniques. The most unusual and extravagant work.
An online gallery with the most interesting, particular, extravagant and unique creations realized in the world, by craftsmen, artists or people who just do it for hobby, for profession or passion dedicate their time to working with this material.
A calendar with dates of the best manifestations, events, courses, fairs and other initiatives, related to the leather world, and leather promotions in Italy and Abroad.